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2019-12-18 18:24:14

   早上好英文口语怎么说?每个国家的习惯不同,早上好英文表达也不同,但是美国跟英国的早上好英文表达基本上相似,有的习惯用good morning来打招呼;然而有的却是习惯用good day来进行打招呼,good day是日常生活打招呼或是道别的时候用的,不过good morning是人们用来表达早上好最为普遍。

   good day和good morning的说法:

   good day意思是美好的一天,是用于白天见面或是道别时的招呼。

   日常打招呼或道别时用语。等同于Hello,Good morning, Good afternoon, Good evening和Goodbye(a phrase used during the day as a greeting or farewell)。

   一、good day读音

   good day的英式读法是[ɡud dei];美式读法是[ɡʊd de]

   good day双语例句

   1.It certainly looks clear- good day for an outing.


   2.Oh, what a nice day! It's a good day to make call on some customer.


   3.Have a good day.


   4.Did you have a good day today?


   二、good morning发音

   good morning的英式读法是 [ɡud ˈmɔ:niŋ]   美式读法是 [ɡʊd ˈmɔrnɪŋ]

   good morning双语例句

   1.Good morning. You look great today.


   2.Good morning. Can I help you?


   3.Okay, ladies and gentlemen. Good morning.


   4.Good morning to all who are present here today.


   5.Hello and good morning to all.


   6.Good morning, my dear all, hope you guys have a nice day.


   7.Good morning, all. Time to get into a beautiful song on this beautiful Sunday morning.


   注意的是对象不同,早上好英文也不同,要根据对象的亲疏关系来表达早上好。要是遇到熟人、朋友之间,就可以随便一点说哦morning就好;但要是不是很了解的就用Good morning比较适合一些。


评论 (2)
  • 流苏书包

    流苏书包 2019-12-18 18:37:03 1#


  • 菊花种植地

    菊花种植地 2019-12-18 18:28:43 2#


    Jane:Good morning.What a fine day.


    Tom:Yes,it is.So when do you get up .It is still early now.


    Jane:Yeah,I am a early person.I always get up before 6 o'clock.


    Tom:Good for you.I only get up early today because I have something to do.
